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HP PCs - Using HP JumpStart (Windows 10) | HP® Customer Support. 


Jumpstart for windows 10


Check documents and videos on compatibility, FAQs, upgrade information and available fixes. Windows 11 Support Center. Select registration option. Error: Javascript is disabled in this browser. This page requires Javascript. Modify your browser's settings to allow Javascript to execute. See your browser's documentation for specific instructions. HP Customer Support. Select your model.

How does HP install software and gather data? Need Windows 11 help? Navigating HP JumpStart The screens and instructions in this document might vary slightly from what you see on your computer.

There might be minor changes in different regions and in future releases of HP JumpStart. HP JumpStart is available only in English at this time. The experience will be different during the second, third, and subsequent times HP JumpStart is launched. If you have already registered your computer or McAfee subscription, those screens are not displayed. You must be online to see the HP Dropbox offer activation screen or the Concierge screen.

You can choose to skip a step, or return to it later if you are not online when you go through HP JumpStart. The JumpStart tile is live, meaning that it alternates between the main tile and messaging tiles.

Figure : JumpStart tiles on Start menu. HP JumpStart opens to the Welcome screen, followed by a series of introductory screens. Figure : Welcome screen. Figure : HP JumpStart.

The HP registration screen displays. You should register with HP to get more efficient support and quicker service. Complete the form and click Register , or click Skip to register later. Click Thanks, I'll come back later. Figure : HP registration screen. Click Thanks, I'll come back later!

Figure : HP JumpStart offline notification. The Dropbox screen displays. With Dropbox, you can access and share files anywhere. To create an account and activate the HP Dropbox offer, complete the form and click Create an account. If you already have a Dropbox account, you can log in to your Dropbox account.

This offer will not be applied to returning users. If you do not want to sign up for Dropbox now, click Skip. This screen is not displayed if you are in a country or region where the offer is not available. Figure : Create a Dropbox account. The McAfee screen displays so you can register your McAfee security product. You do not have to register in order to use the app, but it is recommended. Registering lets you view and manage your account details and access downloads to reinstall your subscription services.

You can register at any time from within the McAfee security app. Figure : McAfee LiveSafe screen. The App screen displays. Figure : Select and install your favorite apps screen with two apps selected. If you are offline, you cannot install any apps and you will see the You're offline screen displayed with options of Tips, Tricks, and Advice.

This feature is available only in English and will be available in other regions later. Figure : Apps Installing. The Concierge screen displays. To see the App Install Status, click Download in the upper-left corner of the screen.

Figure : Accessing the app download status from the Concierge screen. The App Install Status screen displays showing the download status.

Click Done in the lower-right corner of the screen to return to the Concierge screen. Figure : App Install Status. The Concierge screen displays showing information to help you learn about and personalize your computer, and get tips, tricks, and advice.

Scroll down the list to see more options. These links might vary by device and might change over time. Get extra support with SmartFriend. Update your profile picture, personalize your lockscreen, or change your desktop background.

Click a tile to get information about that topic. You must be online to access this content. Figure : Jumpstart Concierge screen. If you want to install more apps, click Get More Apps in the upper-left corner. Figure : Getting more apps from the Concierge screen. When you click Get More Apps , the App screen displays, showing all the available apps.

You might need to scroll down to see all of them. Then click OK on the Apps installing screen to return to the Concierge screen. If you choose not to install any more apps right now, click Continue to return to the Concierge screen. Figure : App selection screen. If you want to skip this now, click Thanks, I'll come back later in the lower-right corner. When the exit screen displays, click Ok, Got it! Frequently asked questions Find answers to frequently asked questions about HP JumpStart in the following sections:.

Why should I register my HP product? Registration helps HP deliver a consistent and personalized experience; HP can provide service and support, communicate with you about products and services, and more. How long does it take to download one of the apps from the selection list?

Each app is different, but the average size is approximately 50MB. Download time varies depending on your system and the speed of your Internet connection. No, the system must have factory-installed App Selection services. Select a location. Europe, Middle East, Africa. Asia Pacific and Oceania. Select a language. Confirm Back. Search all support.

Search help. Tips for better search results Ensure correct spelling and spacing - Examples: "paper jam" Use product model name: - Examples: laserjet pro p, DeskJet For HP products a product number.

Loading Results. The Virtual Agent is currently unavailable. Please try again shortly. Need help troubleshooting? Just ask. Try asking HP's Virtual Agent. Session timed out. Your session on HP Customer Support has timed out. Please sign back in to continue Sign in. Complementary Content.



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